The Epitaph Series
The Epitaph Series Paper, modeling paste, and gesso on canvas 2024 - Present
After the End
After the EndGreen-Wood CemeteryBrooklyn, New York2021
The Static Series
The Static Series Ink on paper2020 - Present
Before I Die
Before I DieNew Orleans, Louisiana and worldwide2011 – Present
The Mass Series
The Mass Series Ink on canvas2020 - Present
The Nightly News
The Nightly News Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, East Lansing, Michigan, 2023 The American School in London, London, England, 2022
The Glyph Series
The Glyph Series Mylar, ink, and pencil on canvas 2021 - Present
Light the Barricades
Light the BarricadesAnnenberg Space for Photography, Los Angeles, California, 2019 Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2021
The Weather Series
The Weather SeriesInk and gesso on canvas2019 - Present
The Unison Series
The Unison SeriesInk, gesso, and paper fibers on canvas2023 - Present
Confessions Las Vegas, London, Athens, Minsk, and more2012 - Present