Career Path
Career Path invites students to reflect on the evolution of their aspirations as they determine a discipline of study. Located on a university pathway nicknamed Uraputki, or “Career Path,” the installation features prompts in English, Finnish, and Swedish that ask passersby what they wanted to be when they were a child and what they want to be today. Visitors are invited to reflect on their childhood dreams, how they’ve changed or stayed the same, and how this perspective might clarify genuine passions and inform current explorations. Responses included: “When I was little I wanted to be a bird. Today I want to be a speech therapist… When I was little I wanted to be a princess. Today I want to be an electrician… When I was little I wanted to be a minister. Today I want to be a rock god.” Commissioned by Flux Aura and Artist as Neighbor, and part of the European Capital of Culture Festival.